"I just don't think I can finish this glass of wine."
"No, I'm sorry, my kid can't come to your house for a sleepover."
"You didn't make coffee this morning? Okay, no problem, I'll just skip it for today."
"Yes, I just picked this bag up from the monogramming shop."
"Man! I really wish somebody would have an afternoon, girls only party at their house this weekend. I am fresh out of jewelry, purses, wickless candles, wrapping paper and skin care products!"
"I can't wait until it gets colder outside!"
"My besties and I are headed to the bead show."
"Sorry, no, I can't go to happy hour with you...I've got to run a marathon."
"I'm so bummed that it's Friday...I really would like to come to work tomorrow."
T. (insert appropriate being here)